Sunday, November 19, 2017

Still working!

Batman and Robin drinking coffee (Unattributed)

Still working on the blog "insides" (e.g. good url name, updates to the formatting, ect).  I had a previous DCUO blog, and as a change I'm going to work with less salacious items (e.g. not as much overt exposure of females), and focus a bit more on humor.  As I write this, I am indulging in a good cup of German coffee (Tschbo).  It may (or may not) come as a surprise, but I did have a coffee blog for about a year, but it involved way too much espresso (long story).  Still, dropping a few "Batman drinking coffee" images while I continue to hack away at the blog!  See you later on!

An amazing Barrista's Batman artwork! 

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