Saturday, December 28, 2019

DCUO In-Depth: Mental Controller and DPS Power Set (and Raven!)

As I fight off the travails of RL (especially after a very appropriate Friday the 13th), I'm back to post, including the latest of my post (via Obsidian Chill) on DCUO Power Sets!  Today's offering is the Mental power set.  Not a flashy as other powers, as of this writing it is still effective as a DPS (though not as much as a controller set).  Worth a try, so watch the video below, and consider a mental mind set...

Didn't really think of Raven as a "mental" character, but more of a "magic" character.  That being said, I ran with Obsidian Chill's intro with Raven, and posted her as the "face" of mental powers... see you in-world!

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