Saturday, December 28, 2019

DCUO In-Depth: Light Controller and DPS Power Set (with Arisa and Jade)!

Light Hearted, by jaycubed

Continuing with the DCUO powerset reviews, we're onto Hard Light (aka, Light), a controller set that seems to have lost popularity over the most recent DCUO "upgrades".  I say this as I haven't seen toons with this power as much as I used to, as a couple of years ago.  Still, it's a graphically nice set, even it the "evil / fear" version of it appears to be more popular.  Still, I've posted iEddy Gaming's review of it below....

Jade, by DNA-1
... followed by Obsidian Chill's extensive analysis of the power set.  His work is from last year, but much of his material is still relevant for Hard Light.  Personally, I used it briefly, but it wasn't for me, but if it intrigues you, please give it a try!  See you in-world!

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