Saturday, May 12, 2018

Patriotika! (OC character by Mount Olympus Comics)

Stopping by briefly from being in-world to ensure the blog has a heartbeat!  Seriously, busy leveling up characters, and as I was hunting down graphics, I came upon Patriotika, an OC (Original Character) from Mount Olympus Comics.  As a kid, one simply enjoyed comics without authors trying to wedge SWJ concepts in every corner of the mag (tossing a bit of shade at Marvel comics).  However, since the 90s, indie comics have more visibility, and with Kickstarter, really good work can come to the forefront... such as Patriotika!

Mount Olympus Comics is a small independent comic line (two comics series), but I'd gather their biggest seller is Patriotika.  Her (the characters's) background / origin is described here, with a whole lot of detail on the first Kickstarter effort, and even more on their current second Kickstarter effort!

Per the second Kickstarter, they are working on their "stretch" goals, which include a plethora of extras, based on donations.  The above image was part of the first effort, with Ms. Cara Nicole (AZ Power Girl) modeling a cosplay version of the heroine.  Patriotika 1 (and 2, when it comes out), are both e-comics (at $4.99 each), but based on the support, one can expect a Patriotika 3 next year!  Well, back to grinding - see you in-world!

(art by "Mr. Sashi" - working on the link to the artist...)

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