Monday, May 14, 2018

DCUO - Phasing to different... phases

Just a quick blurb on changing phases in DCUO... with the advent of new content, you'll need to change phases quickly to meet up with other involved in larger group efforts (e.g. killing the big Starros).  You'll often see things like "Starro at 50%", or "Invite for 303", or a plethora of other statements.  This just means that to take part of a larger group of individuals doing... something, you'll need to change to their phase.  To change phases (on a PC)...

1) Choose the "F4" button (Function 4) button.  This will lead you to the "Social" Window.
2) Choose "Recent Text" from the dropdown - another window will open (the "Recent Text" window), 
3) On the new "Recent Text" window, choose the name of the person who last "spoke" (e.g. in Shout, or LFG (Looking for Group),  
4) On the third (and last window), choose the "Phase with" selection.

If you are in a different phase, then your screen will briefly darken, and when it reappears, you'll be in the phase of the person you wanted to phase with.  If nothing happens, your text window box will state "Already in Desired Phase" - no phase occurred - you are in the phase of the person you wanted to phase with!

(One last note - you can't phase in combat, if invited.  You can check if your phase is correct by seeing the colors of the people in your group.  If they are grayed out, then you are in the wrong phase, and need to go to the correct phase!)

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