Saturday, September 14, 2019

DCUO Powers: Earth Power Set (and Terra)!

I'm in the process of updating power set listings, and starting off not only with my favorite power in the DCUO (the Earth power set), but with the Atlee Terra, the fun-loving and friendly version of Terra (as opposed to the better know Tara Markova, who is a deceased villain of the Teen Titans - a lot to unpack for that character).  I prefer the Atlee Terra - more of a traditional four-color heroine, and apparently quite a popular cos-play character...

As such, that's segue to the introduction to Mr. Obsidian Chill's outstanding Earth guide.  Obsidian Chill is a long time DCUO YouTuber, and over the past year has focused on producing guides with associated power sets in the DCUO.  As my favorite is Earth, I figured I'd start off with that one, as you can see below...

Tanking is often a "gateway" role of power for the DCUO, and I quite enjoy most (more on that later).  Still, if you're looking for a good introductory power, you can pretty much set up a variety of loadout (my differs quite a bit from the above guide, but still, the guide is quite good).  As such, if you're interested, please give it a good, and do enjoy!

More cosplay Atlee Terra, by Leslie Salas - different view, but excellent costume and pose!

A saucier Atlee Terra costume - which as I understand that comic characters needed *standard* looks for the purposes of identification, but you'd think in a meta psudo-reality, that super females would have a wide variety of costumes and clothes available.

And yes... I'll touch up on the unspoken (but highly implied) friendship between Terra and Power Girl.  If you're interested in seeing more of that particular angle to the character, you can certainly pull that string (via Google searches).   Well, the re-start should be over by now, so please do enjoy, and I'll see you in-world!

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