Wednesday, January 1, 2020

DCUO In-Depth: Ice Tank / DPS Power Set (and Killer Frost)!

Back again (after a... character abandoned the final raid for the day, leaving me and 3 other toons stranded...), so I figured I'd post on Obsidian Chill's Ice loadout.  Playing an Ice tank isn't overly challenging, but I do enjoy playing my DPS/Tank, if just to relax a bit.  Still, its an easy and fun gateway into other power sets.  If, for some reason, you haven't tried already, please give it a whirl!

As the "Femme Fatale" is concerned, I'm posting on Killer Frost, who really appears to be the only female with ice powers in the DC universe (of any note).  There are a ton of males ice metahumans, but only one female.  To learn more about her, please follow the link to her background here, and see you in-world!

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