Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Back in the League!

Back to the blog, and news of good fortune!  While I was engaging in the Annual Anti-Monitor event, Shay, from my old league Justice League Legends, grabbed a hold of my elbow, and we had a bit of a nice chat.  The upshot of our discussion was an invite back to my old league!  I had been gone for a while (in RL), but JLL is one of the more enjoyable leagues I've had the opportunity to take part.  Just grinding for now, but I'll be working on adding more entries, through my focus will be on leveling back up.  I was able to jump to CR 142 last night, but I have a heck of a long ways to go until I reach up to the CR 220s!  That, and a few more projects in the making as well... until later!

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