Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Hall of Justice (not in DCUO?)

Always wondered why the Justice League "Hall of Justice" isn't in the DCUO.  One would figure that there would be some kind of nod to it.  The default (the Watchtower) works well, but still, it'd be nice to see the HOJ!  One can hope - it would be a great place for some team combat!  Thanks to Mr. Anongamer for his re-colorization efforts!

(Interesting note - per Anongamer's note, the HOJ was based on a real location - the Union Terminal in Cincinnati... the more you know...!  Seriously, more pictures of the real location are below)

 Another view of the Union Terminal (during daylight hours)

Inside the terminal

Another view of the interior

A really nice bar at the Union Terminal 
(Why isn't there a bar in the Watchtower?  You'd figure there'd be plenty of after battle drinking binges... and just regular drinking!)

Really nice shot of the Union Terminal at Dusk

Finally, a night picture of the Union Terminal - beautiful!

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Power girl cosplay... and still in world

Yes, still in world and busy leveling up my BD toon.  Long story short, I've re-started from CR 120-ish, and am getting close to breaking CR 200, so there is that.  But for now, I'm just going to leave a small (?) cosplay by the lovely Kainsaw.  (Be sure to visit her site, located here!)  Until later!