Thursday, August 8, 2019

Retro Super Art: Superman Lives!... and Forbes predicts DC comics will end publishing soon!

Welcome back!  My original plan was to introduce the YouTube below at a later date, but the honestly, the projected breaking story from Forbes magazine about how DC comics is seriously considering ending publishing comics forced my hand.  Two of my main sources below go into a plethora of detail...

... starting with Gary at  He is a previous comic shop owner who moved from comics to become a wildly popular YouTuber (e.g. the Nerdrotic channel).  He covers a lot of comics-related stuff, including the current maladies of those individuals producing comics over at DC and Marvel. With his experience owning a comic shop, he provides insights one would not normally about the industry.  However, he was the second YouTube feed who I noted mentioning this, with the first being... 

... ComicsArtistPro Secrets, by Ethan Van Scriver.  For those who might not have know (as I was when I originally learned of his channel) was the mastermind behind the expanded Green Lantern universe (moving to the different colors of the spectrum, etc...).  He used to work for DC, but due to a difference in philosophies, he departed the organization (more on that in a later post).  Still, his video reviews how DC is moving from comics into a "lifestyle brand", which is bizarre... at least until you understand his logic.  Do give them a listen, and enjoy the DCUO, because it appears the days of purchasing comics at the local store are numbered!

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