Sunday, September 22, 2019

DCUO In-Depth: Water Healer and DPS Power Set (and Mera)!

Mera, by Aphrodite-NS
Continuing with the power set reviews, I'm adding the healer power set to the mix!  I'm not a big healer guy, but I do have a toon with water powers.  I do really enjoy the graphics, and at some point I may return to it at some point... but for now, please enjoy OC's in-depth guide!

Actually had someone in-world ask why I have so many female supers, when a male super is better know for a role (e.g. why I went with Mera instead of Aquaman, for example).  Frankly, I prefer to see artwork with nice looking ladies... as opposed to some guy.  So, posted a few of Mera today, and will keep posting on the ladies (and the associated artists).  See you in-world!

Friday, September 20, 2019

DCUO In-Depth: Celestial Healer and DPS Power Set (and Raven)!

Continuing on with the overview of powersets, Celestial is a power that I see on occasion in raids and alerts, and its popularity seems to be growing (imo).  Again, I prefer tanks, but I've decided to branch out to other powers, and preferably ones with good graphics (e.g. Quantum, Water).  

Still trying to decide upon changing a toon to Celestial, but if you are on the fence, do consider a quick watch of Obsidian Chill's overview!

Raven, by AleBorgo

DCUO In-Depth: Sorcery Healer and DPS Power Set (and Zatanna)!

Continuing on with Obsidian Chill's power set series, I'm highlighting the Sorcery power set this entry.  I've not really played much with sorcery, as I prefer to either tank or straight DPS.  Nonetheless, as a regular tank, I do have an appreciation for good healers, fishing my rear out of "almost" one-shots!  So, here is his post from 2018, which I expect he will update at a later point in time.

However, I've also added one more loadout, a bit more recent, by HavocStormz DCUO.  Not familar with his work, though I'll be following more of his efforts in the future.... 

I hope this helps out those sorcery healers!  See you in-world!

Monday, September 16, 2019

DCUO In-Depth: Electrical Healer and DPS Power Set (and Mary Marvel)! (NSFW)

Time for a new power set post!  Electricity seems to be op (over powered) at the moment, but I have no qualms with that as it is one of the most graphically appealing powers in the DCUO (in my opinion).  That being said, Obsidian Chill's In-depth electric guide is posted below!

Personally, I don't really DPS much in support roles - I tend to be a bit squishy when I do (hence, why I tank/battle tank).  Still, as the DCUO is a graphic medium, I enjoy seeing good graphics.  Electricity had plenty of those great graphics, and having an electric healer is always a bonus in any alert/raid.  If so inclined, so give electricity a try!

(And as an added bonus, Mary Marvel's Playboy special (below) - see you in-world!)

Sunday, September 15, 2019

DCUO In-Depth: Nature Healer and DPS Power Set (and Poison Ivy)!

Poison Ivy, unattributed

Continuing with the outstanding "Most In-Depth" guides by superlative Mr. Obsidian Chill, I've posted the Nature DPS / Healer in-depth guide.  I'm not a healer, so I'm not familiar with the nature skill set, and frankly, don't seem to see a lot of nature DPS in-world, but interestingly it seems to be one of the more popular power sets that were sought on the blog.  Thus, I'm adding Obsidian Chill's excellent (and detailed) overview of the power set.

Poison Ivy seem to be part of the recent "rehabilitation" theme that DC comics is undergoing.  She was never a really "reformed" villain, but she does tend to help out Harley Quinn quite a bit.  Not sure if it is part of "girl empowerment" meme (popular with woke writers with poor story telling skills) or just psudo-realism in comics (which to me means that "good" or "bad" can be relative).

So as one of the saucier ladies of the DC universe, she quite popular within its confines.  This being said, she's also known as one of the first (and organic... to twist a bad pun) gay characters.  She has had an on-and-off relationship with Harley Quinn, another "rogue" character (a villain and heroine).

The good thing about the relationship story line is it isn't the primary existence of their pairing.  It's just part of their overall story, done back when there were competent writers in the comics world.  I haven't kept up with this story line, but to my viewing it is isn't a gay relationship to simply trumpet "being gay" - just part of the story.  Anyways, she is unfortunately not in the DCUO in any extensive means, but she is still an iconic character, with a perfectly matched power set.  World is back up... so see you in world!

Saturday, September 14, 2019

DCUO Powers: Earth Power Set (and Terra)!

I'm in the process of updating power set listings, and starting off not only with my favorite power in the DCUO (the Earth power set), but with the Atlee Terra, the fun-loving and friendly version of Terra (as opposed to the better know Tara Markova, who is a deceased villain of the Teen Titans - a lot to unpack for that character).  I prefer the Atlee Terra - more of a traditional four-color heroine, and apparently quite a popular cos-play character...

As such, that's segue to the introduction to Mr. Obsidian Chill's outstanding Earth guide.  Obsidian Chill is a long time DCUO YouTuber, and over the past year has focused on producing guides with associated power sets in the DCUO.  As my favorite is Earth, I figured I'd start off with that one, as you can see below...

Tanking is often a "gateway" role of power for the DCUO, and I quite enjoy most (more on that later).  Still, if you're looking for a good introductory power, you can pretty much set up a variety of loadout (my differs quite a bit from the above guide, but still, the guide is quite good).  As such, if you're interested, please give it a good, and do enjoy!

More cosplay Atlee Terra, by Leslie Salas - different view, but excellent costume and pose!

A saucier Atlee Terra costume - which as I understand that comic characters needed *standard* looks for the purposes of identification, but you'd think in a meta psudo-reality, that super females would have a wide variety of costumes and clothes available.

And yes... I'll touch up on the unspoken (but highly implied) friendship between Terra and Power Girl.  If you're interested in seeing more of that particular angle to the character, you can certainly pull that string (via Google searches).   Well, the re-start should be over by now, so please do enjoy, and I'll see you in-world!