Thursday, December 26, 2019

What the What!... Yes! The Blue Devil DCUO blog is back!

YES!  I'm back, and a bit earlier than I had planned... sort of.  I used to run a DCUO blog called the "Blue Devil's Hideout", where I would post a bunch of DCUO stuff.  Joined a league, decided to re-focus the blog on the league.  However, the new league seemed/seems to be petering out, so that was disappointing.  Also, I had to self-censor my entries, with more bland graphics, which I felt was a bit annoying.  After a lot of introspection (and bourbon), I decided to bring back the Blue Devil blog for the new year!  (Originally going to wait until the 1st of January, 2020, but meh...)


Soo... why?  Well, a few reasons:

1) A freer hand regarding content without self-censoring.  
Aside from saucy images (which I will post more of in coming entries), I feel more comfortable countering the rabid political correctness that has been damaging the comic (and superhero genre) over the past few years.  Being attached to a league made me feel like I was speaking for others, but as this is my own blog, I feel like I can "let it rip" - and put on what ever I feel like without having feeling like I have to discuss the issue with anyone else.

2) Rejuvenate my interest in the DCUO.  
The DCUO has really had a few dud episodes as of late.  The Metal I (Chaos Gotham) was a great episode (imo), but Metal II (Thanagar) is really... meh.  The after Christmas sale this year was pathetic (compared to previous after Christmas sales), so I really had to give my DCUO world a bit of thought.  I like blogging, so this provided a reasonable intersection into the revival of the Blue Devil Safehouse.

3) The world beyond the DC & Marvel.
There is a lot of great content being developed apart from the "Big 2" (DC and Marvel).  Much of this work also involves non-pc lectures (e.g. the writers and artists focus on telling a good story, as opposed to wagging a pc-finger at its readers).  Soo... I hope to focus on and highlight other superhero worlds and stores in addition to the DC and Marvel worlds.

3) The post DCUO life.
The DCUO will not last forever.  Its engine is nine years old (as of 2020, with the DCUO coming online as of 2011).  As with other MMORGs, it will have a limited lifespan - maybe another five to ten years?  After that... then what?  Some players just like to play, but others have entire "worlds" in their minds (e.g. me).  I will bring up other means to help tell your own stories (especially if you can't draw... again, me).  This includes writing, graphics, and even three-d modeling.  More on this in time.

Sooooo... I will need to re-vamp this blog to get it up-to-speed.  I'll re-post some of my more popular entries from the old blog (with updates), including the "how to" power set reviews.  Also, more on the state of comics in the US (and perhaps abroad), as well as more fan service (see above)!  In the meantime.... see you in-world!

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