Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year, 2020!... and an overview of the DC classic Kingdom Come!

Power Girl and Terra by the pool, by RoninDude

Just a quick note to wish anyone who comes across the blog a Happy New Year for 2020, and as an additional "bonus", a new focus on comics, by Mr. Comics Explained.  An outstanding YouTube channel, he provides a number of overviews of comics storylines.  One of my absolute favoriets is the DC's Kingdom Come overview, likely one, if not the best DC storyline.  It is brief (about 12 minutes long), but worth a watch.  Have a great New Year, and see you in-world!

DCUO In-Depth: Ice Tank / DPS Power Set (and Killer Frost)!

Back again (after a... character abandoned the final raid for the day, leaving me and 3 other toons stranded...), so I figured I'd post on Obsidian Chill's Ice loadout.  Playing an Ice tank isn't overly challenging, but I do enjoy playing my DPS/Tank, if just to relax a bit.  Still, its an easy and fun gateway into other power sets.  If, for some reason, you haven't tried already, please give it a whirl!

As the "Femme Fatale" is concerned, I'm posting on Killer Frost, who really appears to be the only female with ice powers in the DC universe (of any note).  There are a ton of males ice metahumans, but only one female.  To learn more about her, please follow the link to her background here, and see you in-world!