Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The Tides of War Summer Event, 2020! (June 16 to July 13, 2022)!

A bit late, as the event started a week ago, but I got busy playing it, etc, etc...  Still, I'm posting today and a re-start to the blog!  I'll be updating more frequently and will migrate some more entries from older blog as well.  

An overview of the DCUO Summer Vendor and Styles by Multiverse!

Also, as mentioned earlier, I'll be moving from the old JL Legends blog, back to the Blue Devil DCUO, to post more info and show more skin.  That being said, thanks for stopping by and enjoy the view!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year, 2020!... and an overview of the DC classic Kingdom Come!

Power Girl and Terra by the pool, by RoninDude

Just a quick note to wish anyone who comes across the blog a Happy New Year for 2020, and as an additional "bonus", a new focus on comics, by Mr. Comics Explained.  An outstanding YouTube channel, he provides a number of overviews of comics storylines.  One of my absolute favoriets is the DC's Kingdom Come overview, likely one, if not the best DC storyline.  It is brief (about 12 minutes long), but worth a watch.  Have a great New Year, and see you in-world!

DCUO In-Depth: Ice Tank / DPS Power Set (and Killer Frost)!

Back again (after a... character abandoned the final raid for the day, leaving me and 3 other toons stranded...), so I figured I'd post on Obsidian Chill's Ice loadout.  Playing an Ice tank isn't overly challenging, but I do enjoy playing my DPS/Tank, if just to relax a bit.  Still, its an easy and fun gateway into other power sets.  If, for some reason, you haven't tried already, please give it a whirl!

As the "Femme Fatale" is concerned, I'm posting on Killer Frost, who really appears to be the only female with ice powers in the DC universe (of any note).  There are a ton of males ice metahumans, but only one female.  To learn more about her, please follow the link to her background here, and see you in-world!

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Updating the blog (still)...

Welp, still in the process of updating the blog, with the addition of controller power sets yesterday and healer power sets today.  Hoping to add the remaining tank power sets by the 31st of the year, and have a "fresh" start moving forward.  Please do check back again, as I'll be adding more content, and I'll see you in-world!

DCUO In-Depth: Sorcery Healer and DPS Loadout (and Zatanna)!

Continuing on with Obsidian Chill's power set series, I'm highlighting the Sorcery power set this entry.  I've not really played much with sorcery, as I prefer to either tank or straight DPS.  Nonetheless, as a regular tank, I do have an appreciation for good healers, fishing my rear out of "almost" one-shots!  So, here is his post from 2018, which I expect he will update at a later point in time.

However, I've also added one more loadout, a bit more recent, by HavocStormz DCUO.  Not familar with his work, though I'll be following more of his efforts in the future.... 

I hope this helps out those sorcery healers!  See you in-world!

DCUO In-Depth: Nature Healer and DPS Power Set (and Poision Ivy)!

Continuing with the outstanding "Most In-Depth" guides by superlative Mr. Obsidian Chill, I've posted the Nature DPS / Healer in-depth guide.  I'm not a healer, so I'm not familiar with the nature skill set, and frankly, don't seem to see a lot of nature DPS in-world, but oddly... it seems to be one of the more popular power sets that were sought on the blog.  Thus, I'm adding Obsidian Chill's excellent (and detailed) overview of the power set.

On another topic, I'm in the process of updating the blog's appearance.  Didn't really like the old view, so I'm in the process of testing out new looks and formatting.  I used to run a pretty well-know blog back "in the day", so I'm familiar with tweaking these things.  Don't be surprised if you see more tweaking in the future!  See you on the streets, hero!

DCUO In-Depth: Water Healer and DPS Power Set (and Mera)!

Continuing with the power set reviews, I'm adding the healer power set to the mix!  I'm not a big healer guy, but I do have a toon with water powers.  I do really enjoy the graphics, and at some point I may return to it at some point... but for now, please enjoy OC's in-depth guide!

Actually had someone in-world ask why I have so many female supers, when a male super is better know for a role (e.g. why I went with Mera instead of Aquaman, for example).  Frankly, I prefer to see artwork with nice looking ladies... as opposed to some guy.  So, posted a few of Mera today, and will keep posting on the ladies (and the associated artists).  See you in-world!