Sunday, November 26, 2017

Justice Mag - Supergirl & November 2017 "Best DPS Ratings"!

iEddy Gaming put together a nice review of the "Best DPS" powers for November of 2017.  He admits that there is some bias (as with all opinionated analysis), but he does provide some background for his analysis.  Glad to see that Earth is still considered one of the better DPS powers, along with Ice.  I do have an affinity for Fire (yes, I tank a lot), and surprised to see it in the middle of the pack.  While not the "end all" for powers, it does work as a starting point.  If you wish to see more of his excellent videos, including walkthroughs and power loadouts, please visit his YouTube channel, located at iEddy Gaming!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

DCUO Winter Event Rewards, 2017

Shadowdragon has done a nice review of the upcoming Winter Event 2017 rewards.  He seems a bit non-plussed by the offerings, but please do watch for your own analysis - do enjoy!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Justice Mag - Harley Quinn

Busy preparing for the upcoming holiday, but leaving a nice magazine cover of Harley Quinn!  Do enjoy!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Justice Mag - Batgirl

The holiday season is quickly approaching, and as thus, I anticipate my blogging time may be somewhat limited. However, I am taking a page out of the past and posting some outstanding examples of "super" artwork I've come across in the past.  One excellent artist is Mr. Stanley Lau, (aka Artgerm), who creates amazing metahuman work with his exceptional talent!  A series of his that I particulally enjoy is the "Justice Mag" series, with tasteful renderings of superheroines as part of magazine covers.  I'll post the rest during this month, but do make a point of visiting his DeviantArt website here!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Batman v. Deathstroke Fight

Reaching back into the past with one of my favorite videos, the "Batman vs Deathstroke" fight is probably the best CGI combat I've seen, and figured I'd take a moment to post it here (again - it was on the old blog as well).  Do enjoy!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Still working!

Batman and Robin drinking coffee (Unattributed)

Still working on the blog "insides" (e.g. good url name, updates to the formatting, ect).  I had a previous DCUO blog, and as a change I'm going to work with less salacious items (e.g. not as much overt exposure of females), and focus a bit more on humor.  As I write this, I am indulging in a good cup of German coffee (Tschbo).  It may (or may not) come as a surprise, but I did have a coffee blog for about a year, but it involved way too much espresso (long story).  Still, dropping a few "Batman drinking coffee" images while I continue to hack away at the blog!  See you later on!

An amazing Barrista's Batman artwork! 

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Initial Holding Post...

Well, I'm back to blogging after a small hiatus - and with a more focused scope.  I've taken up with a MMORG called DCUO (if you're here, I'll assume you already figured that out).  I'm going to try to get back to my original goals of writing about metahumans/paranormals, as well as touch base on a number of in-world issues, from basic (or not so basic) practices and conduct, to other topic, including videos and updates to the system.  For now, I'm still rebuilding the blog, so please to make a point of stopping by on occasion - thanks!