Sunday, January 21, 2018

DCUO Etiquette: Power Girl "saves the day", and how to phase in DCUO

Learning how to navigate the DCUO can be vexing at times, and aside from small details you learn over time (e.g. "lf Dox = looking to join a group for a Paradox bounty), phasing into a different phase can at first be confusing.  Essentially, the DCUO has numerous servers, and if you want to change from one phase to another - essentially the same "world", but inhabited differently, the process (on PC) is:

1) Find the phase you want to phase into (usually by someone texting or saying something in chat)
2) F4 (Social menu)
3) Go to the "Recent Text" selection
4) A new window will open with the names of people who recently texted
5) Choose the name of the person you wish to phase with
6) A third window will open - choose the "phase with" option

Then the screen will go slightly dark, and you'll phase.  If you are in the same phase, you'll just get a note in your chat box stating "You are in the desired phase".  That's it - it only takes seconds, but when you are hunting... whatever, knowing how to phase between phases is a boon.  Well, back to the special event (the Anti-Monitor), so see you in-world!

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Justice Mag - Catwoman & Gadgets DPS Loadout

Gadgets have always looked like an intriguing power set, and even though it has been nerfed (reduced in effectiveness), it is still a strong and popular power option.  This is an introductory Gadgets DPS loadout courtesy of iEddy gaming, so hopefully it'll be worth your while... see you in-world!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Playboy Cover - Mary Marvel & Electric DPS loadout (early 2018)

Just a quick addition, with a nice Electric DPS loadout from iEddy gaming.  Looking at starting an electric DPS, especially as it is a pretty buffed power (for now), so we'll see how that goes.  For now, however, I'll see you in-world!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Playboy Cover - Aspen (NSFW) & Water DPS power loadout

After I found the above picture, I decided to add a water DPS loadout... I haven't used water as of yet, but once I do (e.g. once it gets fixed), I'm certain it'll be an interesting change - see you in-world!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Blue Devil 2 & Current Power Ratings (Early 2018)

I've seen a few listings of "what are the best powers", which is perennial question after every revamp.  As such, I decided to list the current perceived top three powers (from Greg DeLuca's video below).  Short version, the current top three powers are: Earth, Rage, and Electric.  I personnally am an Earth fan (as blog readers know), but again please visit Mr. DeLuca's video feed, as he has a lot of good work to watch - see you in-world!

Monday, January 15, 2018

Playboy Magazine - Fire & Ice (NSFW) & Earth Tank Loadout

Playboy Cover - Fire and Ice by LograySon

Playboy Cover - Fire & Ice, by LograySon

Of course, as a Tank, you have to be ready when you enter a raid or alert, and some noob can't do the Tank job... you have to step in and do the job right!  I've added Artemis DCUO's video on this, and its a great springboard into further tweaking for Earth tanks!  See you in-world!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Justice Mag - Black Canary & Earth DPS loadout (2018)

Figured I'd log back onto the blog, and return to posting loadout videos.  As an Earth DPS/Tank, I'm posting an Earth DPS loadout... it's a bit different than the loadout I currently use, but I may take a few tips and tries to see how it works out.  A thanks to Ethvin for this video, and see you in-world!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Back in the League!

Back to the blog, and news of good fortune!  While I was engaging in the Annual Anti-Monitor event, Shay, from my old league Justice League Legends, grabbed a hold of my elbow, and we had a bit of a nice chat.  The upshot of our discussion was an invite back to my old league!  I had been gone for a while (in RL), but JLL is one of the more enjoyable leagues I've had the opportunity to take part.  Just grinding for now, but I'll be working on adding more entries, through my focus will be on leveling back up.  I was able to jump to CR 142 last night, but I have a heck of a long ways to go until I reach up to the CR 220s!  That, and a few more projects in the making as well... until later!