Sunday, December 29, 2019

Updating the blog (still)...

Welp, still in the process of updating the blog, with the addition of controller power sets yesterday and healer power sets today.  Hoping to add the remaining tank power sets by the 31st of the year, and have a "fresh" start moving forward.  Please do check back again, as I'll be adding more content, and I'll see you in-world!

DCUO In-Depth: Sorcery Healer and DPS Loadout (and Zatanna)!

Continuing on with Obsidian Chill's power set series, I'm highlighting the Sorcery power set this entry.  I've not really played much with sorcery, as I prefer to either tank or straight DPS.  Nonetheless, as a regular tank, I do have an appreciation for good healers, fishing my rear out of "almost" one-shots!  So, here is his post from 2018, which I expect he will update at a later point in time.

However, I've also added one more loadout, a bit more recent, by HavocStormz DCUO.  Not familar with his work, though I'll be following more of his efforts in the future.... 

I hope this helps out those sorcery healers!  See you in-world!

DCUO In-Depth: Nature Healer and DPS Power Set (and Poision Ivy)!

Continuing with the outstanding "Most In-Depth" guides by superlative Mr. Obsidian Chill, I've posted the Nature DPS / Healer in-depth guide.  I'm not a healer, so I'm not familiar with the nature skill set, and frankly, don't seem to see a lot of nature DPS in-world, but oddly... it seems to be one of the more popular power sets that were sought on the blog.  Thus, I'm adding Obsidian Chill's excellent (and detailed) overview of the power set.

On another topic, I'm in the process of updating the blog's appearance.  Didn't really like the old view, so I'm in the process of testing out new looks and formatting.  I used to run a pretty well-know blog back "in the day", so I'm familiar with tweaking these things.  Don't be surprised if you see more tweaking in the future!  See you on the streets, hero!

DCUO In-Depth: Water Healer and DPS Power Set (and Mera)!

Continuing with the power set reviews, I'm adding the healer power set to the mix!  I'm not a big healer guy, but I do have a toon with water powers.  I do really enjoy the graphics, and at some point I may return to it at some point... but for now, please enjoy OC's in-depth guide!

Actually had someone in-world ask why I have so many female supers, when a male super is better know for a role (e.g. why I went with Mera instead of Aquaman, for example).  Frankly, I prefer to see artwork with nice looking ladies... as opposed to some guy.  So, posted a few of Mera today, and will keep posting on the ladies (and the associated artists).  See you in-world!

DCUO In-Depth: Electric Healer / DPS Power Set (and Mary Marvel)!

Time for a new power set post!  Electricity seems to be op (over powered) at the moment, but I have no qualms with that as it is one of the most graphically appealing powers in the DCUO (in my opinion).  That being said, Obsidian Chill's In-depth electric guide is posted below!

Personally, I don't really DPS much - I tend to be a bit squishy when I do (hence, why I tank/battle tank).  Still, as the DCUO is a graphic medium, I enjoy seeing good graphics.  Electricity had plenty of those great graphics, and having an electric healer is always a bonus in any alert/raid.  If so inclined, so give electricity a try - and I'll see you in-world!

DCUO In-Depth: Celestial Healer and DPS Power Set (and Raven again)!

Continuing on with the overview of powersets, Celestial is a power that I see on occasion in raids and alerts, and its popularity seems to be growing (imo).  Again, I prefer tanks, but I've decided to branch out to other powers, and preferably ones with good graphics (e.g. Quantum, Water).  

Still trying to decide upon changing a toon to Celestial, but if you are on the fence, do consider a quick watch of Obsidian Chill's overview!

Raven, by AleBorgo

(Yeah, I know I used Raven two times in a row, but find a good icon for both mental and sorcery was a challenge... so I took the easy way out!  See you in world!)

Saturday, December 28, 2019

DCUO In-Depth: Light Controller and DPS Power Set (with Arisa and Jade)!

Light Hearted, by jaycubed

Continuing with the DCUO powerset reviews, we're onto Hard Light (aka, Light), a controller set that seems to have lost popularity over the most recent DCUO "upgrades".  I say this as I haven't seen toons with this power as much as I used to, as a couple of years ago.  Still, it's a graphically nice set, even it the "evil / fear" version of it appears to be more popular.  Still, I've posted iEddy Gaming's review of it below....

Jade, by DNA-1
... followed by Obsidian Chill's extensive analysis of the power set.  His work is from last year, but much of his material is still relevant for Hard Light.  Personally, I used it briefly, but it wasn't for me, but if it intrigues you, please give it a try!  See you in-world!

DCUO In-Depth: Munitions Controller and DPS Power Set (and Ravager)!

Still in the midst of re-working parts of the blog and realized that I still had a few more load outs to go to finish up the initial DCUO power set loadout listing!  So... continuing on with the last three, I'm adding the Munitions controller power set to the mix.  It's a set that I toyed with briefly and will likely return to at some point in the future.  A good controller power set that has seen its share of "fixes" by DCUO (e.g. they reduced its effectiveness), I'm waiting for them to eventually return and fix this power set.  Lots of fun and guns, as explained in detail by Mr. Hesy below...

For the "Femme of the topic", I've added the Ravager (aka, Rose Wilson), a lesser known character, and the daughter of Deathstroke the assassin.  Not a bad character per-se, but a bit lazy in character development, as she just comes of as a younger Deathstroke clone, down the the eye patch and color scheme.  Her character could be done better, but with the sad state of comics, I expect no better... unfortunately.  

I decided to add a "newer" review, as Mr. Obsidian Chill's "In-Depth" guide is from 2018 (e.g. last year), but I've also listed it below for reference purposes. 

I do have an affinity for munitions (after quantum), so it's worth a look if you want to indulge in your fire-arms superhero/super-heroine fantasies!  See you in-world!

DCUO In-Depth: Mental Controller and DPS Power Set (and Raven!)

As I fight off the travails of RL (especially after a very appropriate Friday the 13th), I'm back to post, including the latest of my post (via Obsidian Chill) on DCUO Power Sets!  Today's offering is the Mental power set.  Not a flashy as other powers, as of this writing it is still effective as a DPS (though not as much as a controller set).  Worth a try, so watch the video below, and consider a mental mind set...

Didn't really think of Raven as a "mental" character, but more of a "magic" character.  That being said, I ran with Obsidian Chill's intro with Raven, and posted her as the "face" of mental powers... see you in-world!

Friday, December 27, 2019

DCUO In-Depth: Gadget Controller and DPS Power Set and Batgirl!

Came across Obsidian Chill's "updated" In-Depth Gadget power set overview today, and was heartened as it seems to me there are more Gadget players (mostly DPS, imo) in-world.  Nice to see more, and RP-wise it seems to be a stronger basis for origin stories.   That being said, do enjoy the the updated information!

Batman would seem to be the logical choice for gadgets, but I've always liked the "new" Batgirl character and storyline.  To me, it was refreshing to have a snarky character with a sense of humor, although it does seem they've made changes to her character. 

Selfie, by MaHenBu

 I'll have to go back and look deeper into her character status, but for now, she's the "Poster Girl" for the blog's Gadget power set!  Until later!...

Batgirl and Joker (Instagram-ing), unattributed

DCUO In-Depth: Quantum Controller and DPS Power Set and Stargirl!

After months of patient readers, the last "in-depth" power set review is here!  Those who are in the know realize I'm a "tank" guy (mostly for stress-relief), but of all the non-tank power sets, quantum is my personal favorite.  Just so happens to be that Mr. Obsidian Chill put out an update power set review earlier this year, which is posted below...

The Quantum power set (at least as of this posting) seems to work well in both aspects (controller and DPS... though I tend to focus on the DPS aspect).  Still, as a "squish" non-tank, you're likely going to focus on ranged attacks (as opposed to melee attacks).  Nonetheless, it is relatively easy to master, has great visual appeal, and is simply fun to play (last part, imo)!  If you're looking for a controller power set to try, I'd recommend giving it a try!

(NOTE: This is a re-post from an earlier blog - the updates are located at the bottom of the entry!)

Stargirl - JSA - DC Comics, by FioreSofen

Onto Stargirl... one of the more recent (e.g. 1996) notable super-heroines in the DC Universe.  As the DC Universe has gone through a multitude of continuity changes, it can be challenging to follow her background, but one notable aspect I liked was that she treats being a superhero as a "job", with a public identity (event though she sports a mask), and job responsibilities.  To get a better sense about Stargirl, please visit the comic character wiki, or proceed onto the upcoming television version of Stargirl's wiki!  Do enjoy, and I'll see you in-world!

The Obsidian Chill Quantum DPS/Controller update (late 2019)

... and the Multiverse Quantum DPS loadout (early 2019)

As of late, I've taken it up on myself to try out new power sets (beyond tanking powers).  Imo, its been a mixed bag, with some powers I'm not really crazy about, but others I'm really enjoying.  Quantum is by far one of my favorite non-tanking power sets.  Great graphics, easy to use (DPS-wise... I'm still working on mastering how to be a good controller), and after the Metal Golem 77 battle feat, my highest character.  If you want to try something beyond tanking powers, I'd say give quantum a try!  See you in-world...

Thursday, December 26, 2019

What the What!... Yes! The Blue Devil DCUO blog is back!

YES!  I'm back, and a bit earlier than I had planned... sort of.  I used to run a DCUO blog called the "Blue Devil's Hideout", where I would post a bunch of DCUO stuff.  Joined a league, decided to re-focus the blog on the league.  However, the new league seemed/seems to be petering out, so that was disappointing.  Also, I had to self-censor my entries, with more bland graphics, which I felt was a bit annoying.  After a lot of introspection (and bourbon), I decided to bring back the Blue Devil blog for the new year!  (Originally going to wait until the 1st of January, 2020, but meh...)


Soo... why?  Well, a few reasons:

1) A freer hand regarding content without self-censoring.  
Aside from saucy images (which I will post more of in coming entries), I feel more comfortable countering the rabid political correctness that has been damaging the comic (and superhero genre) over the past few years.  Being attached to a league made me feel like I was speaking for others, but as this is my own blog, I feel like I can "let it rip" - and put on what ever I feel like without having feeling like I have to discuss the issue with anyone else.

2) Rejuvenate my interest in the DCUO.  
The DCUO has really had a few dud episodes as of late.  The Metal I (Chaos Gotham) was a great episode (imo), but Metal II (Thanagar) is really... meh.  The after Christmas sale this year was pathetic (compared to previous after Christmas sales), so I really had to give my DCUO world a bit of thought.  I like blogging, so this provided a reasonable intersection into the revival of the Blue Devil Safehouse.

3) The world beyond the DC & Marvel.
There is a lot of great content being developed apart from the "Big 2" (DC and Marvel).  Much of this work also involves non-pc lectures (e.g. the writers and artists focus on telling a good story, as opposed to wagging a pc-finger at its readers).  Soo... I hope to focus on and highlight other superhero worlds and stores in addition to the DC and Marvel worlds.

3) The post DCUO life.
The DCUO will not last forever.  Its engine is nine years old (as of 2020, with the DCUO coming online as of 2011).  As with other MMORGs, it will have a limited lifespan - maybe another five to ten years?  After that... then what?  Some players just like to play, but others have entire "worlds" in their minds (e.g. me).  I will bring up other means to help tell your own stories (especially if you can't draw... again, me).  This includes writing, graphics, and even three-d modeling.  More on this in time.

Sooooo... I will need to re-vamp this blog to get it up-to-speed.  I'll re-post some of my more popular entries from the old blog (with updates), including the "how to" power set reviews.  Also, more on the state of comics in the US (and perhaps abroad), as well as more fan service (see above)!  In the meantime.... see you in-world!