Saturday, May 26, 2018

Review of the Death of Superman (Part 2) event, by Trex!

First, this video was a nice suprise, as I had wondered what happened to Trex.  He was a long-time host of the DCUO podcase, but after about 200 episodes, he passed the torch onto other to continue (I think it has been discontinued now - so about 212 episodes exist).  However, he does have his own YouTube channel (well, he's had it for quite a while, but still), but good to hear he's still active (news to me, at least).

His review of "The Death of Superman (Part Two)", on the test service, reviews the raid, and points out that is is just a "style" event... not a "gear progression" event.  Frankly, I'm disappointed in this aspect, as I like leveling my toons, but it is what it is.  Do take a gander at the review above, and I'll see you in-world!

Saturday, May 19, 2018

The Death of Superman - Part 1 - Base Items and Odoriferous aura

Well, doing Part 1 of the Death of Superman, and frankly, not impressed.  A few new styles, and some of the basic missions, but honestly, I've been spending more time leveling up with the Starro event.  Give it a try, but don't expect much, unless you really want some of the base items.  See ya in-world!

(Review of base items above... Doomsday Aura below...)

Monday, May 14, 2018

DCUO - Phasing to different... phases

Just a quick blurb on changing phases in DCUO... with the advent of new content, you'll need to change phases quickly to meet up with other involved in larger group efforts (e.g. killing the big Starros).  You'll often see things like "Starro at 50%", or "Invite for 303", or a plethora of other statements.  This just means that to take part of a larger group of individuals doing... something, you'll need to change to their phase.  To change phases (on a PC)...

1) Choose the "F4" button (Function 4) button.  This will lead you to the "Social" Window.
2) Choose "Recent Text" from the dropdown - another window will open (the "Recent Text" window), 
3) On the new "Recent Text" window, choose the name of the person who last "spoke" (e.g. in Shout, or LFG (Looking for Group),  
4) On the third (and last window), choose the "Phase with" selection.

If you are in a different phase, then your screen will briefly darken, and when it reappears, you'll be in the phase of the person you wanted to phase with.  If nothing happens, your text window box will state "Already in Desired Phase" - no phase occurred - you are in the phase of the person you wanted to phase with!

(One last note - you can't phase in combat, if invited.  You can check if your phase is correct by seeing the colors of the people in your group.  If they are grayed out, then you are in the wrong phase, and need to go to the correct phase!)

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Patriotika! (OC character by Mount Olympus Comics)

Stopping by briefly from being in-world to ensure the blog has a heartbeat!  Seriously, busy leveling up characters, and as I was hunting down graphics, I came upon Patriotika, an OC (Original Character) from Mount Olympus Comics.  As a kid, one simply enjoyed comics without authors trying to wedge SWJ concepts in every corner of the mag (tossing a bit of shade at Marvel comics).  However, since the 90s, indie comics have more visibility, and with Kickstarter, really good work can come to the forefront... such as Patriotika!

Mount Olympus Comics is a small independent comic line (two comics series), but I'd gather their biggest seller is Patriotika.  Her (the characters's) background / origin is described here, with a whole lot of detail on the first Kickstarter effort, and even more on their current second Kickstarter effort!

Per the second Kickstarter, they are working on their "stretch" goals, which include a plethora of extras, based on donations.  The above image was part of the first effort, with Ms. Cara Nicole (AZ Power Girl) modeling a cosplay version of the heroine.  Patriotika 1 (and 2, when it comes out), are both e-comics (at $4.99 each), but based on the support, one can expect a Patriotika 3 next year!  Well, back to grinding - see you in-world!

(art by "Mr. Sashi" - working on the link to the artist...)

Monday, May 7, 2018

Starfire and a Fire DPS loadout

What?  A power set that I actually use?  Well, yes... I use the Fire powerset on my Blue Devil toon (I've actually been asked in world why I wasn't using fire on this toon (when he was spec'd for earth)).  Actually, the iEddy video is for two loadouts - one for straight power use (e.g. "play from the tray"), and the second loadouts is for weapons use.  I currently use a different loadout from the two listed below, but I will have to respec (change) to see how effective the new loadouts are!  Until then, see you in-world!

Friday, May 4, 2018

Server Hot-Fix, and more Power Girl!

The new server hotfix looks like it is limited the free-to-play, but I agree with DackMan analysis this is probably due to the spambots.  Do take a peek at the below video, and do visit DackMan's channel!