Sunday, July 22, 2018

Sloooowly coming back from a hiatus....

It's getting close to my target date of August 1st to start writing seriously, so I'm indulging the last week of my lollygaging by outlining and making blogs that will wither on the vine.  No worries, however, getting my coding skills up-to-speed is always good and provides a bit of insight into how I want to approach a story.

Speaking of which, I saw the newest Aquaman trailer... looks really great!  I have to laugh back when the show Entourage was on HBO, with the main character working on an Aquaman movie... thinking, "that sounds like it would suck".  Well, per the trailer below, it actually looks really good!  I'll have to actually watch this (not part of the "dark and edgy" DC universe) - and see how it can provide any good story development ideas!  Back to pounding keys...!

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