Saturday, August 3, 2019

A move from JL Legends... back to the Blue Devil's Hideout!

And the change is afoot.  

I had to debate on how to make the change from the JL Legends Blog to the new, personalize Blue Devil's Hideout blog (or at least what I'm calling it for now).  I'm keeping the JL Legends blog up, but decided to rework an old blog (yes, I have a lot of blogs) as the new personalize blog.  What are the changes?  For those "in the know", the Blue Devil's Hideout was an old url I used to have, which was essentially what the old blog was.  Now that I'm not writing under the JL Legends umbrella, I'll have a few new changes, such as...

1) A wider scope of superheros and comic culture - I'll post more on the overall superhero culture, which seems to be moving beyond comics (which, sadly, seem to be dying out... to an extent).  

2) More DCUO content - I'll also post more on DCUO content... did that with the other blog, and will be a mainstay of this blog.  However, I'll also add new topics, such as "As seen in-world" (players with good recreations of toons), and, well, other topics as I think of them.

3) NSFW items - Yes, saucier pictures will be posted on the blog, in relation to the topic at hand, or maybe just at random.  We'll see how that goes.

4) Editorial independence - Now that the blog is not associated with a specific group (e.g. I don't feel as if I need to "be careful" about what is being posed), I'll add more the the blog that reflects my perceptions of the superhero genre.  

So, we'll see how this moves forward.  I'll be in the process of updating the blog to the point it needs to be addressed.  Thank you for your patience, and please enjoy the lovely pictures of Ms. Crystal Graziano dressed as Power Girl!  An outstanding cosplayer modeling a uber-popular DC heroine!  Until the next post!

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